I tried wax but it won't stick onto the bracket. It's been bothering me since this morning usually it stops while in school but this time it just kept pinching and grabbing onto the skin in my mouth! What should I do? It really hurts!
It can be really painful and it feels like you cannot do anything. Unless it is the wire that's bothering you, just ignore it. I had the same problem, just try your best to endure it and eventually you wont feel a thing. Goodluck!
It's not sticking because either the bracket is wet, or the wax is too cold, too small. Use a bit of kleenex or a Q-tip and really dry off the bracket (and under the wire next to it). Warm up the wax blob by rolling it in your hands until it softens, or under warm water if your hands are cold (then blot it dry!). It gets stickier when warm. Make sure you use enough. If you don't use a large enough blob of wax, it won't be able to grab onto enough of the metal. If you can, use enough to cover the bracket AND wrap a little bit around the wire nearby so it kind of secures itself.