He is 9 months old and He is not allowed in my room. When I accidentally leave the door open to go cook etc, within 2 min. he runs in and pees right on the rug by my bed.It is infuriating! He is allowed everywhere else in my house, just not in my bedroom. Can anyone tell me why he does this and how I can deter him? I have tried verbal correction, removing him quickly from my room, putting him outside, even rubbing his nose in it. Nothing...someone help!
there could be a smell in there that is attracting him put a baby gate up when the door is open and see if that deters him failing that it could be a medical problem do you have other pets or maybe a cat that comes around your house and he is trying to deter it
Well he is only a puppy he goes where he feels comfortable put something he's scared of on the rug summat that he wont go near and he'll stay away from the rug forever! hope this helps
The dog needs more house training. Training! Verbal corrections after the fact do no good, they only stress the dog. Never rub a dogs nose in it. That simply tells the dog you want him to ingest it Why confuse /stress the poor dog? Get you a couple of good dog training books from the library and go to work on training him. There are no bad dogs, just dogs that have been poorly trained.
Make sure she doesn't have a UTI. If she has been doing fine until now that would be the first thing I would check. You need to eliminate the rugs she has been peeing on too...if there is carpet under then I would suggest Nature's Miracle or tearing out the carpeting. Why isn't she housebroke at 4 years old?
When you say the rug by your bed, do you mean a throw rug type thing or actual carpet? If it's a throw rug and can be throw in the washer, then was it and add 1 cup of white vinegar to your final rinse. (the smell dissapates!). If it's carpet, scrub it as good as possible and then using 1 cup white vinegar to a bucket of water, wash over the area again, to get rid of all the urine smell. (Anytime a dog can smell where he/she peed before, they will return to it and use that spot again). Rubbing the dogs nose in the spot doesn't help! They know that spot is already there, without you doing that; and it serves no purpose. If you have a gate to put across the door, then I would use that, if the behavior continues just out of habit. And, by the way, as someone else wrote it's a known trait for Shih Tzu's to pee in the house, this is absolutely not true! I know several people with Shih Tzu's and I have one myself, and none of them urinate in the house once they are housetrained! I don't believe you can point a finger at any certain breed of dog and say that is a trait of there's. It is either because the dog was not entirely housetrained, or because something happened to make them start to urinate again, such as another dog laid there; or actually urinated in that spot, and then your dog is peeing there also, to mark his or her territory. Another thing, has your dog been neutered? If not, that might help the problem also, esp. if another dog has been in your house recently and he can smell that. I hope this helps you with your problem, and you and your fur baby get to enjoy many happy and healthy years ahead.