My fiance and I have slept on our respective sides of the bed for 2 years now. Two nights ago when I went to lie down, he was on my side of the bed. I asked him to move and he said no, that he wanted that side of the bed now. What the heck is that? What should I do? I want my side of the bed back! I have told him this, yet he says it's his turn for that side of the bed?????
HAHA I have my side of the bed to, if my husband tried to take it, I think I would roll him off the bed! I don't think I could sleep on his side, I wouldn't be comfortable. State your ground honey, that' your side!
Your fussing over which side of the bed you sleep on? Why? If there is a really good reason you should explain it to him, if not, switch sides. There are too many really serious things to fuss and fight about.
Pick your battles, just winning one battle isn't winning the war. If it matters, explain it. It sounds like he wanted the same side too. Could be a male protection thing, where a guy is supposed to sleep close to the main entrance into a room. One thing you could do is rearrange the room. Move the bed so the side faces a different way. See if that makes an difference.
You must now arrive in bed earlier than him. If that doesn't work, have some great sex and end up on his side of the bed. This way, he gets the first wet spot and the original side of the bed.