I am 13 and i have a smoke detector in my room. It started making a loud sound at night and in the morning. I had my dad change the battery but it is still making that noise. What is wrong with my Smoke Detector?
No, that's completely normal for a boy his age. I take it you're younger then him, so one day you'll understand. Plus, he's your brother don't rat him out aha.
Keep your mouth shut. It's none of YOUR business. How would YOU feel if the situation were reversed? I'm sure there are plenty of tales he could tell your Mom about you - if he wanted to.
Just adjust the sensitivity on the motion sensors and you should be fine.
lol he was so h-o-r-n-y that he couldn't sleep. Boy do I miss being 13 lol Anyway, you shouldn't mess with his phone I don't care if you know the password or not. Please don't mess with his phone anymore and don't tell anyone. Put yourself in his situation.
Why don't you mind your own business - I bet you don't let him look at YOUR phone, do you !