I had a house fire about 2 months ago, and we just moved back in. Landlord installed a hardwire system smoke detector, brand new (I hope). For the past two days, the smoke detector has been going off over and over and over again for no reason, no fire, no smoke, maybe CO2 from smoking cigarettes, but it still happens when we aren't smoking. The alarms are so bad right now it is literally every 10 minutes. Wtf should I do?
In my book your ok.When I was 11 I was obese .I weighed 200lbs;crazy right.Anyways I got skinny.By the time it was summer I got this dance workout kit thing by Shaun T,and I looked wonderful.I lost 52 pounds I still was a little fat but I was very proud.And every since I have been VERY happy I ever heard of Shaun T
I would remove the galvanized piping and install copper if at all possible. The galvanized is going to corrode and leak, it's just a matter of when.
The warranty covers parts that failed. Your door locks were damaged. Warranty does not cover something that you or someone else broke. You pay. By the way, on most modern cars the locking mechanism is designed to break during attempts to open the doors with a slim jim. This is actually a security feature. This is why you should never use a slim jim on a newer car. Instead of having an amateur break into the car you should have called a locksmith. It would have cost you money at the time, but perhaps less money than it is going to cost you now to have your door lock repaired.