i have a guy that needs a front motorcycle tire for his 07 HD Fatboy. He needs a 17x 3.5 i was looking at some books and cant seem to get a cross referance. He wants a Metzler. could anyone help me? thanks!
A 3.50 crosses over to a 100mm or a MM in alpha numeric.(BUT, I believe that the 3.50 size is the rim width, not tyre size, a 3.50 rim will mount a 140 tyre) The stock tyre on a Fatboy was a 140 75 R 17 which crosses over to a 5.50/6.00 in inch or a MU in a/n. Unfortunately I believe this size tyre is only made by Dun-stop, other brands list a 150 width as well as 70 and 80 profiles, but no 140 in 75 aspect. (I did however look in an 08 catalog so maybe Metz or Connie makes them now)
Some additional info: www.biology.lsa.umich.edu/researc.
Just to to Dennis Kirk online and put in the bike model. It will tell you what's available. The ME880 Marathon is a pretty popular cruiser tire that handles as well as you need it to handle and they last forever.
I got curious because that's an odd size tire.I don't think anyone makes one.Most are 120 size.The closet i could find was in the J P catalog.They list a Metzler 110/80 Lasertec.
Maybe there not fertilized. Are they egg-shaped or are the long oval slugs? Did you see the dragons copulate or find a sperm cap?