I just got new carpet in my apartmentThere are fibers everywhereNot the entire quot;yarnquot; like fibers, but little single strands of the stuff the actual plush is made ofI've been vacuuming like crazy to try to make it a little betterOne vacuum is now clogged, and my roomba alone is going to take forever to get rid of it.Any advice?
use copper tubing to increase heat transfer
thin wall black tubing will work better by absorbing more heat faster.
it's both.heat will travel through the thinner cans quicker, but a thicker can or material will hold it betterPaint the surface facing the sun black and use the thicker stuffIt might take a little longer to heat up, but in the long run it will be better.
danielyou got cheap carpeteventually the problem will abate but for now keep vacuuming