I am buying a new fishing pole for the upcoming season but am torn on which one to buy. I already own a 5 1/2 foot light action ugly stick spinning rod and reel as well as 6 1/2 foot medium action daiwa samurai spinning rod. I fish 3-4 times a week if not more. I do alot of trolling for walleye and bass fishing. I also go to my uncles friend pond with bass generally 1-2 lbs. I was looking into a shimano medium action baitcasting rod but not quite sure if it fits what im fishing for? Lures i use are crankbaits, plastics and a few topwaters. Any suggestions? I have around 80 dollars to spend.
If there are wires I think they should be removed for safety issues maybe call a electrician
The only way to get rid of split ends is by cutting them. Aussie 3 minute miracle helps repair hair. You need to stop using heat on your hair. Shower before bed and put your hair in a side bride, when you wake up you'll have beautiful curls
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