How can I tell if a compound is a metal or nonmetal? For example, Nitrate; is it a metal or nonmetal?
Those are all Death Metal bands, in one form or another... and, other than Bloodbath, they're all Brutal Death Metal bands at that. Cattle Decapitation, Aborted Exhumed are Deathgrind (and early Dying Fetus as well). Katalepsy Devourment are Slam Death Metal. Nile, Defeated Sanity Dying Fetus are Technical Death Metal. And Bloodbath is kind of an old school throwback, bordering on Death n' Roll. Brutal Death Metal is simply heavier /or faster than Orthodox and/or Old School Death Metal. Deathgrind Slam Death Metal are ALWAYS Brutal. But Technical Death Metal can be either or. Nile is Brutal. But a band like Beyond Creation most definitely is not. Both still Technical. But the former is much heavier than the latter. Black metal isn't as heavy, has higher-pitched vocals (mostly screamed) goes for atmosphere over brutality. The production value is usually somewhat primitive as well... on purpose. Then again, there are about a thousand different types of black metal, just like death metal. Burzum, for example, sounds much different than Enslaved, and Destroyer 666 sounds nothing like Negura Bunget. Yet, they all play Black Metal.
I like Nile. Death metal sounds cool and black metal sounds more questionable
I've heard of Nile, Dying Fetus, Aborted, and Cattle Decapitation
Cattle Decapition. Exhumed. Nile. Dying Fetus.
They're all a form of death metal