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Not smoking makes me preform worse?

Basically I have been smoking for about 3 years now. Basically I smoke a pack or close to it every 24 hours. I am really close to quitting or at least quitting but I have one issue.I play poker for a living and basically engage in a lot of mental type things during my daily routine. The issue I have is that every time I cut down or don't smoke for a day I end up doing these things awfully.For example my poker playing ends up losing me money on these days rather then making money. I just feel like I am not mentally focused and it's not because my mind is thinking about smoking I just feel out of focus even if I am not thinking about smoking.Any tips on how to overcome this issue?


gum, patch......music :D
try the gum..
the patch? nicotine gum? gradually step down i guess
You keep thinking about smoking b/c smoking is your hobby and you are used to it. If you can try thinking of a different hobby to get use to that does no harm to your body. For example you can try chewing gum everytime you feel like smoking or you can lick a candy. I hope i can help you get over your issue of smoking

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