The WWE exploiting the death of Eddie Guerro I mean Rey was given the belt but made to be the weakest world champion and Vikki was made to look easy and literally and figuratively was thrown in the mud. So many things were done around this time as a merchandise gimmick. Plus the story line saying that Eddie isin hell is very offensiveOr Conor “the crusher “ in the hall of fameNot to sound like I am defecating on the grave and memory of a child but lets look at the facts. The WWE putting Connor “ the crusher” in the hall of fame was a new form of poverty porn (promoting his illness so I guess it is like Hospice porn).
why has no one mentioned brock lesnar ending the streak?
When this kid was alive did he do any grass roots fund raising activities to promote childhood cancer research or treatment? (like Alex’s lemonade stand)? Did he do anything that connected wrestling to inspiration (just saying I am fighting to stay alive and have a cancer is not a inspirational feet other than him just being ill and trying to live each day to the fullest which is a very generic statement anyone can make) I mean it’s not like he had all these inspirational self help videos on youtube or internet websites , or did motivational speeches . The Conor the cure fund was established after he died showing the WWE has some integrity and are not completely consumed with there version of poverty porn He deserves to be in the Hall of Fame more then trump , the bushwackers , Bob Uecker, mike Tyson, drew carey, Arnold Schwarzenegger and snoop dogg but that still does not justify any of them being there.
Using eddie's death in storyline but I also think you might be too easily offended. Vickie was able to get over as a heel and people want to see the heels get what is coming to them. I don't recall wwe ever using Conner in storyplots or exploiting him on tv, they have promoted charities to find a cure for conners cancer
In my opinion,honestly, I strongly feel that the WWE didn't do anything wrong here. The WWE was very generous to take Vikki Gurerro in and give her a job. It's not easy lasting in the WWE but they helped her. It's gimmicks. Not real. Nobody really believed she was cheap. But hey that's my opinion. Because honestly they didn't have to bother about her or her 2 daughters but they did and gave her a job. As for the Conor story I don't think it was to exploit him. It was to show the WWE has heart and cares. The child loved wrestling and had a few weeks to live. They granted him one wish to see Daniel Bryan perform. That's what you call caring. They didn't have to but they did. As for the charity funds I believe they're really doing it for the kids. The WWE has come a long way from hardcore wrestling to make this kid friendly. I admire that but miss my hardcore wrestling...but hey its my opinion.... And the one wrong thing they did was Chris Benoit...i'll leave it there
Connor the crusher. Not to say he did not deserve it or anything. But come on see through all the 'kindness' of WWE and see it as what it was. A popularity merchandise stunt by WWE. They did it to make people go awwwwww WWE are so good for this I am going to spread the word of what they have done and then more people like me will watch it because the WWE are so kind and brilliant. I actually feel sorry for Conner for having to be a part of this WWE did it for themselves obviously what they tell you is a lie.