On a exhaust system what part makes it sound powerful? Like Vrrrrrrrrrr
There are many factors involved on an exhaust's sound Muffler being the most prominent size of the pipe diameter and then length headers or manifolds camshaft catalytic converter number of cylinders engine size ; smaller engines tend to whine while large engines tend to rumble
The biggest contributing factors are the size of your car's engine and the muffler/s on your car. With the right combination of muffler/s, tailpipe/s, and exhaust tip/s you can improve your car's Vrrrrrr. However, your 4 cylinder Honda Civic will never Vrrrrrrr the same as a Dodge Viper, no matter what exhaust you buy.
NO. you may in basic terms enhance the noise by using changing the aspects interior the exhaust gadget ie removing the silencer components of the exhaust pay attention however by way of fact there are limits to how plenty noise a vehicle can produce and we does not choose a tug from the police for noise could we.