I accidentally left my husbands ps3 in the tv stand drawer with the door closed and running a movie. By the time i got a chance to realize i left the door shut about 3 to 5 minutes passed and the ps3 sounded like a blow dryer and a gust of heat came out. I immediately shut off the ps3. About 8 hours later my husband turned it on and put his game in, within 5 minutes the game froze shut off and the yellow light appeared than shut off.So we waited and kept trying a few hours later and i did the fan test once and the fans did not work at all and immediately shut off. Fast foward to 5 hours the ps3 now turns on but it's glitched out and is freezing so we shut it off so it doesn't over heat and damage the motherboard. What can we do to repair it? We know the fan is broken so we'll repair that but how do we know the connector for the fan to the motherboard isn't shot?
More than likely the heat has fused some connections on the mother board or some other component. I'm afraid you are going to have to buy a new one. Fixing this one will probably cost more than replacing it.
i think it has yellow ring of death, contact sony if you still have the warranty.
your husband might be wanting to kill you now haha