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Parents; Do you save all of your LO's clothes?

If so, where do you store them and in what? I have kept the majority of Aubree's clothes and have stored them in the big rubbermaid totes but my SO is getting fed up with me that I have yet to get rid of much of anything that belongs to Aubree. I want to save everything incase we have another girl (We will be TTC2 in the next year or so). Ive almost filled my 3rd rubbermaid container of clothes Aubree is barely a year old. Am I keeping too much?BQ; Did you save your LO's swing, bouncer, carseatetc? He wants me to sell the carseat but I really do not want to. It is part of my Graco Travel System.. and again.. if we have another girl ; we'd have to buy a new one. Why not save what we have? He's complaining because he says it's taking up too much room in our storage building. GRRR!


Well, you have to have the detectors to be in compliance with the fire/safety code. However, there's several different types of smoke detectors. Most of which would be ok, it's the optical type that you have to worry about. Any type of vapor will set them off. Your best bet is to replace the current detectors with those that will not be affected by a fog machine.
Yes he can. You were illegally parked. Didn't matter if you had your four ways on or in the car, you still cannot park in a fire lane. Putting your blinkers on doesn't make parking in a fire lane legal. Also, the officer didn't need to see your license. He had your plate number.

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