Trouble you experts say, oil and petrochemical industry chain is how convergence,The name of the product, the relationship between the input and output of the upper and lower products (such as: a ton of X can produce about how many tons of Y),Production and development of various products in the world, China and other countries,What are the representative enterprises in the industry.
The position and function of oil and petrochemical industryPetroleum and petrochemical industry is an important basic industry, which provides energy and basic raw materials for the operation of the national economy. The crude oil is located in the source of the petrochemical industry chain, a large proportion of the world's energy consumption. As in 2004, around 32% in Europe and Asia, the Middle East up to about 53% in central and South America, about Africa, about 41%, about $40% in North america. 2008, global consumption of crude oil is about 86 million barrels per day. The world's largest oil consuming countries are the United States, China and japan. The petrochemical industry occupies a large proportion in the national economy of our country. The average from 1999 to 2003, the total output value of industry Sinopec accounted for 14.4% of the total industrial output value, industrial added value accounted for about 16% of total assets accounted for about 13% of sales revenue accounted for more than 14%, while the petrochemical industry industrial added value accounted for about 4% of GDP.
At present, China has three futures varieties belonging to petrochemical products. First, the Shanghai stock exchange fuel oil; two is the Zhengzhou Mercantile Exchange PTA; the three is the Dalian Mercantile Exchange LLDPE. Among the three varieties, fuel oil is an oil product, and PTA and LLDPE are chemical products. Due to the refining of oil does not exist the so-called "intermediate", and the country has a mature spot trading market, the price formation process is relatively simple. In China, although most of the oil is still pricing by the NDRC, but naphtha and fuel oil has taken the market pricing. In view of the oil refining enterprises in the upper reaches of the industrial chain, and therefore the price of oil also has some monopoly characteristics, local small refineries tend to be in a disadvantageous position.
Analysis of chemical industry product price is not easy, it is difficult largely because of "intermediate" (referring to the petrochemical industry chain is located in the middle part of the product, the product is just a chemical raw material, no other use value.) Existence. In view of the lack of "intermediate" petrochemical trading in the spot market, "intermediate" prices often by the manufacturer according to the cost and profit of processing enterprise price formation, and the buyer can only passively accept, this is the so-called price monopoly. In the petrochemical industry chain upstream enterprises, due to the size of the investment and has this feature. In addition, for most petrochemical "intermediate", China's import dependence is often higher than 30%, which led to the price in the international market has a great impact on China's price, sometimes even decisive. Closer to the top of the industrial chain, the impact is more obvious.