Make sure for each of these you are telling me _____ energy changes into _____ energy. 1.A roller coaster gaining speed as it comes down a big hill. 2. A light bulb being turned on.3. A pot of water starting to boil on the stove. (Think about how the particle motion is changing! This is not asking about how the heat is produced by the stove.)4. A stretched out rubber band being released to fly across the room. 5. A radio playing music. 6. A ball coming to a stop as it rolls up a hill.7. Gasoline being burned provide fuel for a car to move.
Unfortunately, the version of Access I have available on this machine isn't compatible with yours, so I couldn't look at your database layout. However, if you are creating a resultset where deposits and checks are both carried in the same field (amount), then you must have some sort of indicator to tell you which one a given row's amount is, correct? That test would be the subject of your IIF then, and you would either add the amount into your running total or subtract it, depending on whether it was a deposit or check (and if the report also showed detail, adjust the amount display appropriately as well). By the way, if you don't show details, you can let SQL do most of the dirty work for you with a query like this (I assume you only have a single row for a given date of starting cash..if not, you can SUM it too): SELECT amount, start AS ID FROM cashTable WHERE transDate whatever UNION SELECT SUM(amount) AS amount, deposits AS ID FROM depositTable WHERE transDate whatever UNION SELECT SUM(amount) AS amount, checks AS ID FROM checkTable WHERE transDate whatever An even better way is to simply combine it all in one row (in this case, you have to SUM cash even if there is just one row because of the GROUP BY): SELECT SUM(c.amount) AS begincash, SUM(d.amount) AS deposits, SUM(k.amount) AS checks FROM cashTable c, depositTable d, checkTable k WHERE c.transDate whatever AND d.transDate whatever AND k.transDate whatever GROUP BY c.transDate You can also cover multiple dates by adding transDate to the selected fields and change the WHERE conditions to BETWEENs.
Mine does that , dust gets inside causing this, blow it out with a vacuum and put the batteries back in them.