The copper pipe at the back of the toilet (coming from the wall) is leaking, i have tried all day to reapir the problem. It was the supply valve for the water, now i have three different valve fittings and nothing works.Home depot lowes,etc are closed.the fittings wont stop the water from the pipe anymore, so i have a copper pipe coming out the wall that i cant stop up, and we need the water on.what do i door what can i getthe only thing that will be open is a walmart..Thanks in advance
This stems from the result of having China make everything for us. *added* My issue with Chinese made clothing is that they are on the metric system, we are on the standard system. That is the first problem: the conversion factor. Next, they have no standard for sizes between them. A 2X shirt from one shirt maker is the same size as the 3X size from another shirt maker. That is the second problem. The next issue is the quality of the clothes made, the next is the lower standards of safety and manufacturing that lead to what amounts to almost slave labor. (edited for clarity)
hmm i never thought of that before. i was an office worker in a fire fighting company and have freinds doing this job. when they service the extinguishers (CO2 cartridges) they use still use the onces inside your extinguishers. i do remember also that they fill the catridges and use pressure guages and not by weight. what i never thought is that it is possible to have it weighed. i also do remember that they have this special equipment for doing this, so i'm guessing that the service given to you cartridges is the appropriate pressure (weight) for your extinguishers.