
Poll: Heavy Metal or Pop?

Ok do you like heavy metal(+) or pop(-). And what artist do you like the most?


I'm 25. I've been listening to metal now for quite a few years. I don't see myself ever deserting the genre for another favourite. Besides, think of all the metal bands out there. Most of the members are over 30.
Perfectly normal. If you stop and think about it, the members of the original thrash metal bands of the 80's are pushing 50 and still going strong. A lot of their fans are the same age. The members of Lamb of God are all in their 40s (their bass player has a full head of white hair even). The original members of Black Sabbath are all in their mid 60s and they STILL show up bands a third their age. I'm 33 and I still love metal as well. It's all I would listen to as a teenager. As I got older I discovered other kinds of music I liked, but I never stopped liking metal just because I started liking other things too. Liking metal has nothing to do with how old you are. It's something you either like or you don't. No REAL metal fan will ever grow out of loving metal music. Like me, they may find other types of music they enjoy along the way, but I guarantee there will always be metal in their album collection until they day they die.
You are not strange, plenty of people your age listen to Metal. From what I've seen though it is one of those genres that people rarely get into as adults. You pick it up as a teenager and grow out of it or love it forever.
I'm 30 and I'll never stop loving metal
you have 2 questions right here. unmarried at any age is wonderful as long because of the fact the guy is take care of and valuable with themselves. And marriage to 3 isn't something greater beneficial than a business enterprise that supplies legal, financial and different advantages and responsibilities. So my answer could be NO. you're in love with the guy inspite of being married or not.

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