I have a samsung hdtv and a vaio laptop. Just bought a vga cable and connected it all together. But i do not know what to do now? Do i do something on the laptop settings or hdtv settings? i haven't a clue. I thought i would just have to go on ext1 or ext2 but nope, nothing comes up.Any ideas guys?
You need to make your laptop send the video thorugh the VGA cable. Since you have a VAIO, you most likely have a Nvidia card. Go to CONTROL PANEL and open NVIDIA CONTROL PANEL. From there one you need to search for some kind of option that says something like multiple displays . Nview actually. Your laptop must have detected your HDTV and you can select the option to send the same image to both screens or just to one of them. If your card isn't NVIDIA, you should search for the same kind of options on your graphic card manufacturer control panel. Sorry if it's a bit confusing, but the menus are different in many different cards, and I don't know what yours is like. Once you're done with that you can go for your PC MODE, since your laptop will now be sending a video signal to the TV.
Shortcut buttons is popular accessible on the keyboard, its revealed oftentimes below some buttons around the suitable section. It feels like a television. Press it , with the blend button if choose. there'll be 3 type of mode. make larger to television, the mouse waiting to run round both demonstrate only television, with laptop demonstrate blacked television and laptop, same image will seem in both demonstrate
After connecting everything switch your tv to the PC input. This is done by either pressing the input button or the source button until you see the PC input. After the tv is set to this Press and Hold the Fn key on your laptop then press the F7 key or the one that looks kinda like a monitor in blue. Slowly do this until you see the picture on the tv. You shouldnt have to press the button more than 4 or 5 times at the very most to see results.