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Problems with cement?

Thought to be Lafarge cement, after 3 or 4 months should it start to deteriorate? If so why is this?


A bit vague, but in general no cement should start to deteriorate so quickly. Was the reinforcement rusty? That will cause spalling (bursting of the concrete) Also a bad mix or improper curing (curing can be immensely important in some applications). There are also any number of chemicals which will deteriorate concrete and many of them are found right there in the ground, but this should take years to occur. If this came out of a Lafarge truck, there is always the possibility that you got a mix intended for someone else (this happens more often than many realize) There really is no excuse for cement to fail so quickly, if this was a pro job I'd have them back ASAP. If it was a personal job, check your delivery docket and if all is well, call the batch plant and get one of the concrete guys out there to take a look. It's rare, but sometimes you just get a bad batch.

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