I bought a bike yesterday a hybrid bike with 700c wheels. I bought a bike pump, and when i got it home I checked the psi on the tire it said to inflate to 50-75 psi. I checked the bike tires, they were only at 20 psi, and they seemed inflated enough to me. So I inflated it to 40 psi, took forever and It seems like it‘s too much and I‘m scared the tire will burst. I tried another gauge because I thought it was broken but it was the same. The tire is real hard to the touch and like I said I‘m scared it will burst. Is this normal?
If it says 50 to 75 psi, then it MEANS 50 to 75 psi. I'd pump them up close to the max. Hell.my road bike tires can go up to 120 psi. NO.they will not burst!!!
Narrow bicycle tires require very high pressure compared to car tires. The pressure range on your tires is very normal for a hybrid bike. Narrow road bike tires need even more pressure. At 40 psi your tires are under-inflated unless you weigh less than 120 pounds. Pump them up to at least 55 pounds, more if you weigh more than 170 pounds