I moved to another country and my computer arrived without the cord that goes from the power supply unit to the wall (aka I can?t turn it on). The PSU in question is a Corsair 750W Unit. I tried searching for independent cables but as expected no one sells them. Contacting the manufacturer is too much of a pain. I was wonder, could I find special generic cables that would work with the PSU? Not necessarily by the manufacturer. Thank you.
(link defaults to 1foot, but id recommend a 6foot cable at the minimum, as 1-3 feet can be very limiting.) If using more then 1000W of power, you will need a cable capiable of it. one above is rated at 10A, and given psu efficiency (rounding way down for very inefficient ones) you should be able to get like 900-1000W+ from it w/o any worry. (that doesnt mean using a 1000W psu.. im talking about pulling 1000W+ from the wall, and unless you have like 3 gtx titans running at 100% .)