Im making a PVC air gun and I need help. Ive made one before and I used a 1/2 inch PVC barrel into a 1/2 inch ball valve and the air tank is a 2 liter bottle. It fit good but not great and there were some leaks. We used PVC cement. So onto my question. The next 1 is going to use a larger PVC (3-4 inches) pipe for the tank and the rest is the same. I need to know how to make an air tight hole for the 1/2 pipe it fit into. The pipe is a 1/2 inch on the inside but it really 3/4 of an inch. any help is appreciated
make sure you take a drink Before you swallow the pill so it doesn't get stuck
Put it on your tongue, and then take a couple big gulps of water, or just keep drinking until you swallow it, or if you prefer, put it in the middle of something you can swallow whole, a piece of gumwhatever it takes.
hi! I had an same project. i for my section did no longer initiate up taking pills until at last i replaced into like 18. i'm 23 now What I do is consume something small first so as that I even might desire to swallow the meals, then I placed the pill in my mouth and wash it down with some soda or juice extremely of water. I kinda trick myself into swallowing it provided that i believe it continues to be meals or somethingSorry if it sounds loopy, besides the reality that it constantly works for me. good fulfillment!!!! ) That pill crusher is an comparable project I used to do, it tastes gross!!! super thought besides the reality that! )
Don't know how many rooms you got, but best advise is in every room of your home, Including garages, attics and basements. Saftey of the family is priority 1
try a pill crusher if it taste bad mix it with ice cream or a smoothie