

Can we avoid radioactivity? Should we use radioactivity or not?


A forest fire is really big and it would take a lot of materials to create a blanket of that size. Blankets may work on small fires, but it may catch on fire when dealing with a big one. Another problem is that there is no way to get a blanket of that size to the center of a fire and make sure that it lands right in the middle and covers the whole thing. Even if the blanket lands on most of the fire, and stops most of it the remaining fire will cause the blanket to catch on fire and then you would have an even bigger fire than before
Depends on the type of smoke detector. There are two major types, ionization and photoelectric.Ionization type detectors have a small chamber containing a very small amount of radioactive material (usually about 1 microcurie of Americium 241) which makes the air in that chamber conduct electricity. Smoke interferes with this, setting off the alarm.Photoelectric smoke detectors detect visible smoke by using light or infrared, and smoke interferes with this, setting off the alarm. All smoke detectors usually have some type of audible alarm in them to beep or buzz loud when they go off.

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