I thought my rug would smell better after a whole day in the sun on my patio but it rained and it got wet I dried it again in the sun and now it stinks!I have brown stains on the BACK of the rug.I cant throw away the rug..it's beautiful.I can hire prof cleaners dont have steam/carpet shampooer.If you suggest home remedies, pls specify exact proportions.I guess I'll have to wash it with mild soap water in my tub let it dry in the patio again?
Here is what I would do: Step 1: Wash the patio until it is very clean--use a tiny bit of dish soap if you have to. Step 2: Lay the rug out on the patio and get a good carpet shampoo and clean the rug outside on the patio (no water tracked through the house) with the garden hose. Step 3: Hang the rug in a safe clean area to dry. Try to avoid areas where kids and pets could knock it down or get it dirty. Also, avoid hanging it somewhere where dirt could get blown onto it. Remember, the sun can cause discoloration. Step 4: After rug is dry, bring inside and place back on the floor in the respective place. Spray the rug with Febreeze fabric refresher until it is damp. It should dry within 2-3 hours (max) and it will be fresh and clean. Tip: If it is supposed to rain or it looks/smells like it is going to rain, don't wash the rug. You need to allow it adequate time to dry. You will have a mildew smell in the rug if you don't. Also, if there is no moving air outside and it is really humid, the rug could still get a mildew smell. Make sure that the place that you choose to hang the rug to dry has moving air. Good luck! I hope I helped!!! :)
Add a bottle of LISTERINE....the generic works just fine
listerine is going to ruin your rug. You can rent a carpet shampooing machine- but dont use the cleaner that comes with it- its worthless. Use 1/2 ammonia per 1 gallon of HOT water, and use the machine. dont be afraid of the smell, it comes out when it dires. This is how I clean my carpets.