Where can i get a rear axle for a 2003 Ford expedition? The thing is just humming on every turn.
inspect it real good. may not need the whole thing,only a wheel bearing or spider gear and /or just refill the gear's oil level.
Do a google search for used truck parts. Lots of sites.
A rear axle is much easier to repair than most people think. In the case of noise only when turning, the problem could be fixed as easily as draining the differential and refilling with proper oil and adding a bottle of friction modifier . An axle bearing is usually a roaring noise all the time and is easy to replace.
Corrosion on copper is green. If copper comes in close proximity with zinc (on galvanized pipe) corrosion can be black. The green corrosion starts immediately on contact of copper with oxygen and is accelerated by water and concrete, salts, or acids. The black (dielectric) corrosion created when copper comes in contact with iron or zinc is more quickly destructive to pipes (can cause a leak in less than a year). The green spots are not much to be concerned about.
Copper oxidizes, that is what the green is. Nothing to worry about.