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Replacing a CV Axle on my car?

Does anyone know how difficult it is to replace a CV Axle on a car? Specifically a 1992 Toyota Camry. I got a quote for $300+ and am trying to figure out if that is as good as it gets or if its something that I can find somone with some car knowledge to fix??Thanks for any feedback


Well let's see. I replaced a CVC axle on My Wife's' Van and it ran about $63.00. I asked around and was Quoted $375.00 per Axle and I said yea right, Look for a part store that delivers. Mean while go to Checkers and get a Book that shows how to work on your Camry 1992 (Chilton 1992 Toyota Camry) Read through it and you will see that it's not that difficult. Follow the steps, keep bolts were you know were they go and remove your busted CVC Axle. Remember that there is a long axle and a short axle. The parts store will ask you which side it came off of, passenger or Drivers side. This is important. When the Part delivery person gets there make sure to compare New and old Axle for fit. Reverse your tear down and put it back together. It will take you about an Hour to tear down and 15 minutes to rebuild. Make sure you have the right tools and get busy. Good luck.
depending on location that is a fair price st of axle,rebuilt,is 75-150.plus the labor rate we get 2 hrs. at 75 an hour 150.so it really depends on your location. to do it yourself is not that hard,but has a lot of do's and dont's.then it depends on the side you are talking about.one side pops out after prying it.the other has the removal of a large c clip(pass side).a bolt under the bearing carriage,14 mm.this one has to be pryed out,usually harder,due to rust. i can go into the specifics,but due to the tools needed you may want a technician to do it. a good pry bar,14mm socket or wrench,17mm sock.or wrench,a 30 mm socket and a good breaker bar.a torque wrench,205 ft lbs. and then upon removal and installation you have to be carefull not to damage the seal.a hard thing to do with the vehicle on the ground. my friend i really recomend at least getting someone that has the tools to do it at the very least. good luck
If that is for both it isn't bad for parts and labor. If its for one its a little steep and if its labor only its way too much. Try calling a place that specializes in selling clutch/axle parts and ask the guy who quotes you a price for the part if he knows anybody who installs them for a good price. They almost always do and it would save you money. It doesn't require allot of skill so you should be safe with an unknown mechanic. Good luck.
Cold air is more dense than hot air . so there is more compact air going into the combustion chamber . so you get better compression :)
The jist of it is that if the engine draws in colder air it has more power. That's why the car may seem more powerful in colder weather, so the cold air intake ensures that happens.

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