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Resistance in a new wire 5 times longer than the original?

2.4) A wire has a resistance of 19.2 . It is melted down, and from the same volume of metal a new wire is made that is 5 times longer than the original wire. What is the resistance of the new wire?


the quantity of twine ought to stay the comparable that's A L, so once you double L you decrease A in 0.5. Resistance = Rho L/A, so the recent twine has 4 cases the resistance or 20 ohms.
.4) A wire has a resistance of 19.2 . It is melted down, and from the same volume of metal a new wire is made that is 5 times longer than the original wire. What is the resistance of the new wire? Resistance = ρ * (L ÷ A) ρ = resistivity L = length A = cross sectional area L * A = volume of wire. The volume is constant L1 * A1 = L2 * A2 It is melted down, and from the same volume of metal a new wire is made that is 5 times longer than the original wire. Since the length is 5 times longer, the area is 1/5th of the original volume Resistance2 = ρ * (5L ÷ 0.2A) = ρ * 25 * L/A The new resistance is 25 times the original resistance = 25 * 19.2 = 96 Ω

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