My roommate keeps removing the fire alarm in his room, the hallway and even in my room, I don't feel very safe sleeping when he does this, is there any legal action I can take against him? Can I call the police?
Locked-in syndrome is pretty much as you described it. Near complete paralysis with normal cognition. It usually occurs with a stroke in the pons (the center section of the brainstem) which cuts off all motor function of the face and limbs. Typically this syndrome spares the vertical eye movements which are pretty much the only movements that are generated at a higher level (in the upper part of the brainstem called the midbrain). The way to communicate with a locked in patient is to ask yes or no questions and then tell them looking up is yes and down is no. Unfortunately, recovery is rare due to the severe nature of these strokes/injuries. One other similar scenario can occur and it is reversible. There is a rare syndrome called Bickerstaff's encephalitis that is an autoimmune attack on the brainstem (its a form of Guillain Barre syndrome if that helps). This disease can be fully reversed after being locked in though that recovery usually takes weeks to months.P.S. The Robin Williams movie described by another responder was about a group of people that had been affected by encephalitis lethargica. This syndrome caused a Parkinson's disease-like picture but not a locked in picture. They were treated with L-dopa and got better. L-dopa is still used today for Parkinson's. A causitive agent for the encephalitis lethargica epidemic was never identified and it pretty much disappeared by itself.
questioning out loud or making a music to your self isn't loopy. If it became into, then ninety 9 according to cent of the inhabitants could be locked up. yet wearing on a verbal replace with your self does push the envelope basically somewhat.
In a state of Suspended Animation.