goes off at night when traffick goes by . can't find alarm system to make it ok , if anyone can help would be much appreciated ! thanxs DAZ
If its just the white powder ABC type extinguisher just wash it off. You don't want it in your eyes though. If its in your eyes rinse them and go to the emergency room. If its just on your skin and hair washing will be enough.
verb - scream noun - that guy over there noun - that chick over there plural noun - those people over there adj - crazy plural noun - those guys over there plural noun - those chicks over there verb ending in -ing - running verb - type noun - car a large number - 57835 a profession or status (example: butcher, son) - wife noun - shoe adverb - loudly? verb - read noun - phone plural noun - phones past tense verb - spoke adj - intense noun - yahoo answers!