detector for $19.95 plus SH.Never had a chance to get the telelephone number to order the product. Anybody who knows the toll-free telephone number, I'd appreciate the toll-free phone number, PLEASE.
Johnny boy. Which alarm are you trying to screw with? Your buddy`s car, your 65 T Bird , your wife`s Sebring or your neighbours SUV? You seem to have problems with alarm systems and they are all related to you. Sounds like you are fishing for ways to steal cars.
Put the one you already own in an aluminum bucket, it will increase the sound. Who would know really which one is loudest one, when there are so many models and brands available mosty are the chinese made ones aye? Optionally, you can setup music from your computer to start playing at the certain time, and if you have good loudspeakers no way you can oversleep the noise. Put some hard stuff to be played:)
You are burying yourself in your internet and electronic life and refusing to deal with reality and acting out by dressing like you don't value yourself. She has lost your Dad and she can't stop your sister hurting. Give her a break she's just trying to help you because she loves you. Try it her way for a while. She's your mum, she's older and more experienced in the world than you. She liked the time together with you, not the specific games you played. She's trying to save you. You just want to sink into computers and abandon her. She needs you, too. Take your head out your xbox and your ars.e and look around. There's a real world out here.