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Scaffold/Industrial Piercing Hypertrophy Scar Tissue..?

Yes i have one on my top piercing. i went out and boughtzinc tables, peroxide water, vitamin e, asprin which i have to crush a in cup of water and put on my ear..but anyway, the reason why i have one if because my piercer put two rings in, insted of 2 small bars..i cant get my bar until my bump is completely gone, so what im asking is.will it go?can i keep my scaffold/industrial piercing?how long will it take?thanks


i'm not real sure what your asking,but i had an industrial and mine got ripped out from the top and i have a scar a small dent-looking thing in skin where it ripped.but it's been almost six months now since it got tore out and the bump is finally gone..
Some places do and some places don't. For one Clairs is only equipt to do first and second holes the FIRST time. anything after that you have to go to places that do more than just ears because it might have to be done with something stronger than a piercing gun. I recommend tattoo shops that have piercers as well. They will be able to do it.
I'd have it changed to two small barbells instead of rings, it'll keep its shape better, and not flap around so much with barbells. Rings are harder to heal, especially in ear piercings, that don't have much to hold onto anyway. Hypertrophic scarring is mostly to do with jewellery irritation and trauma, so the rings aren't helping. Get a piercer to change it to autoclaved jewellery of appropriate length. I really wouldn't do it yourself. Hypertrophic scarring wise... Ditch the peroxide stuff, and I wouldn't bother with the aspirin mask, I've heard nothing but dubious stuff about that. Eating zinc tablets can help your immune system a bit, but it won't really help. And vitamin E oil will help scars, but its best not to use it on an open wound. Use a drop of tea tree oil once a day. Just on the bump, try not to get too much on the skin, as it can be quite harsh. they sell it in two stretngths, go for the weakest. It works for me, but dries my skin out so much, plus I don't really like the smell. You can also use a drop of emu oil, but I'm veggie, so I have no experience of that. I use cammomile soaks. Wonderful stuff, nice and gentle, and it really helps. Make a cup of pure, hot cammomile tea, preferably with filtered water. Leave to cool for a bit, and dump the teabag on your ear for a few minutes until its dried up. Then resoak, and repeat on the other piercing. The warmth is soothing, and helps draw out the lymph and crusties as well. Hypertrophic scarring takes a while to clear up, so you have to be patient, but changing the rings will help alot. If its new, I'd wait at least two weeks before you go back to get it changed though.

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