I have never use the bench to do chest press and want to but I am scare to do so, any suggestions?
dont be scared just have a spotter
you dont deserve to use it if you are scared of it. go back to west hollywood.
just start out using the bar only and focus on your technique. compound exercises involve the use of multiple joints and multiple muscle groups. these are the most effective exercises at increasing strength when performed properly.
why are you scared? scared of not having a spotter? if you're at the gym, ask someone to spot you. most guys will be willing to help, and you may make an exercise buddy in the process
Yup, escalate slowly. First lie on the bench and make the motion without actually using the bar, this will give you a feel for what you need to do with your arms. Second, just use the bar, no weight When I started I felt like a bit of a loser because I was so weak I could only just press the bar, but everybody has to start somewhere, and over time I built up to a respectable level. Third, add weight til you are comfortable, and don't push the last rep! If you are uncertain, ask someone for help, or to spot you, people in the gym are usually friendly enough. You can also do the same exercise with a dumbell in each hand until you become familiar enough with the exercise to use the bar, you can drop these without crushing your neck! Good luck and have fun!