Two Problems.1.) I read on the package that sea monkeys survive in temperatures 60+ degrees only, but it's 56 degrees in my house because my heat won't work. (any advice for that, too? I mean, to stay warm and all, besides sweaters and blankets.)2.) My sea monkey was going to lay eggs (I could tell by her dark brown sack) but she died. Will the eggs not get delivered? If you have anything to say about that, please do.If you know if I might be able to cut her open and take the eggs out, can you say so? BTW, I am now down to one see monkey.
Unfortunately, fixing this often results in damage to your door panel. First, roll your window all the way down, and see if you can see the latch mechanism, and lock mechanism through the top crack. If you can, spray PB blaster all over both parts. Drench them. Leave it sit for a while, then do it again. This time, stick your key in and keep trying to turn it back and forth. Repeat the spray/key turning for a while. It will either work, or it wont budge. If it doesn't budge, you'll have to cut your door panel a little bit. To take a door panel off, the door needs to be open, because the screws and clips are all along the edges of the door panel, which are sealed by the car interior and frame when the door is closed. Cut two small slits where the latch mechanism is, and bend the door panel pack so you can see/gain access to the latch mechanism. Try to follow the metal rods to see which does what, then use a pair of needle nose pliars to move the rods. Keep spraying and moving the rods back and forth until the latch opens. You might need to detach these rods from things like the lock cylinder, power door lock solenoid, door handle, etc, in order to gain free movement. If you didn't bend the door panel too much, you can usually lay it back down and attach it some way, so it's not too noticeable. It always works as long as you have time and patience.
No kidding. Man, those were the days for sure. I grew up in the 70's so the only thing on that list I didn't do was hitchhike. LOL I had the coolest mom in the universe and I grew up in a small town so we were allowed to do pretty much anything. Fort building and swimming in the filthy creek were my favorite things to do. I didn't die of any foul diseases from that either. Thanks for reminding me of how happy my childhood was!
It simply illustrates how we can do little, ultimately, to effect our global climate. If volcanoes act up we could have a new Ice Age if a solar mass ejection occurs, we could face global desertification if not wind up roasted alive. Life is change. Deal with it. Adapt or die it has always been that way and always will be. Ya cannot hold back the tides.. you can only work to be prepared for them. Funny how liberals, who always seem to like the mantra that Change is good always wet themselves at the notion of climate and environmental change (even though such changes are the engine that drives evolution).