I am a college student. Due to allergies, I have to cook more. I have a dorm with a kitchen. I'm just starting out.I was cooking some chicken and basically, I just tossed it on a pan with some oil and PAM. It was on low-medium heat.I put it in the pan and it cooked for a minute and then smoke began to rise. Not a lot, but it was noticeable. At this point, I turned the stove off, tossed the chicken on a plate, and then the smoke alarm went off for a few seconds before shutting off.Nothing has happened yet..I'm just really embarrassed and I hope no one finds out. I sprayed Lysol and opened the windows.Did I do something wrong? Now I am scared to even boil rice or noodles and stuff like that because of the smoke. Like I said, there wasn't a whole lot of smoke and it went off.
Hi have U considered a supernatural answer?young children are psychic and often see things we cannot.Just say God Bless if it happens again and leave a night light on for ur child.she will soon settle down.Blessings to you
Yes and no. It is certainly possible (and, indeed, easy) to perform home casting in resin. I've added a link below to one of the best online tutorials I've yet found. However, I do need to leap right in and point out that casting Warhammer models is an intellectual property violation and could land you in hot water. Sculpting your own stuff and casting that, or casting one or two pieces for a one-off conversion or diorama - that's fine. A popular use of resin casting techniques is to replicate sculpted miniature bases multiple times for an army. That's fine, too. But casting up GW models to avoid having to buy more of them is very illegal in the take you to court and fine the hell out of you, if not send you to gaol sort of way. Just so you know.
Maybe if you are super skilled making them out of some clay/mouldable mass and then cooking it in the oven or carving them out of wood?