My family room carpet is gross and my husband is too cheap to buy hardwood, he says quot;its finequot;...ive bleached carpet before by mixing with water and using my pool scrub pole, it helps or should i rip it up? i rather walk on concrete than this carpet !
Bleach is really toxic.. might be better just to have concrete. I hate carpets too, everything clings to them and the carpet cleaners are hopeless.
change the husband and carpet,solve both problems
I say pull the carpet out and buy a special concrete paint so that it looks like new flooring! My parents did that in their garage and it looks so much better than the stained gray color!
I work in flooring, and can tell you from vast experience that a carpet is a giant crud collector that lives on your floor. Bleaching carpet won't work and will damage the carpet (not that it sounds like that matters). If it were me, I'd tear out the carpet and pad. There will be tack strips (they hold the edges of the carpet in place) around the edges of the room. If you plan to recarpet, you could leave those, I would NEVER want to live with carpet again so I'd rip those out too. If you have a carpet company install carpet later, they'll have to put tack strips down again, but it doesn't cost much. Tack strips have very sharp points, so be careful working around them and be sure pets and kids can't hurt themselves on them. To pull up the carpet, grab a corner or edge with piers and pull straight up. This pulls the carpet off the tack. It's easier to handle demoed carpet if you use a contractor knife with a brand new blade to cut it into strips 3-6 feet wide, then roll it up and removed the rolls. You'll be really grossed out by all the crud in and under the carpet. A less expensive option than hardwood would be fiberglass core vinyl, which lays naturally flat and in heavier grades can be simply laid on the floor. Look for Flooring America's Naturcor Natural Grandeur line, very heavy duty and good looking. Not like normal, traditional vinyl, impervious to moisture, great surface for kids and pets.