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should i burn my drum instantlly or smash guitar on drum?

should i burn my drum instantlly or smash guitar on drum?


Follow manufacture instructions. Unless a plug-in type (which limits you to where your plugs are located) you are better off mounting near the ceiling. Since most CO incidents involve heating appliances and/or their exhaust, the air (and CO) escaping is warm which tends to rise to the ceiling. To avoid false alarms, it is not suggested to put CO detectors near furnaces or cooking appliances. Most recommend to place the detectors within 12 ft of each bedroom.
Even when we are asleep our brains are not, so its the same as when your awake if you hear a noise then you will look at it. This is similar to people who sleep walk or talk in the sleep, its not causing you any problems so just let it carry on.
Closer Ideally, you want one on each level of the home. And, they need to be replaced every few years, because the sensors in them deteriorate. If this is a 'used' unit, I wouldn't trust my life to it, without knowing it was working, and no more than a year old. You should be able to look up the brand/model for complete specs. As to 'why' the placement near the ceiling - Carbon Monoxide weighs about the same as normal air. That means it does not settle to the floor, like some gases do. The gas is produced from any kind of fuel that produces an open flamekerosene, propane, etc. Open flames usually mean heating devices - which in turn mean the CO is being produced with hot air, as the exhaust of the flame - hot air rises. So I would suggest placing the detector about as high as you can comfortably reach, on the wall, near your bedroom(s). When you get more detectors (and I would), then place them near any possible source of CO - like a 'furnace closet', gas heater, etc. Good Luck

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