I was looking for a fire suit and i found this package at usapitstop . The package has a Bell Endurance suit that has a sfi rating of 3.2A/5. And it also has Bell Vision Shoes and Vision Gloves. The package cost $590$ I going to race a limited modified so is this package good for me?
I have seen dogs urinate on fire hydrants more than once I don't know about the bears Cats certainly kill mice, but I have never met a domesticated cat who eats them. There might be feral cats that do, but not domesticated ones - Harvest Moon
You seriously need to think before you put stupid stuff like this on the net for people who do not know any better then to try and pierce there own lips and ears. Any advice anybody gives you that will give help you won't be about the safety of self-piercing____there is no such a thing as safe-self-piercing. I believe others will agree that anything I tell you that will direct you toward that will only be on my conscience. I'm sorry, it's just a dumb idea and I don't want to be responsible for you getting blood poisening or infections. Who is this quack that calls himself a docter anyway?
Punk rock, that's fun! :) What should I wear? - I'd do something like: black skinny jeans with rips in them, cut some holes in your t shirt and put safety pins through it (have you seen The Runaways?), big chunky combat boots, a leather jacket. Other ideas would be like colourful socks and fake piercings or tattoos. How should I style my hair? Mess it up as much as possible! I'd buy those fake clip in hair pieces that are different colours and go wild with that. Green, blue, pink, any colour you can get. Use some gel to get your layers to stick out. What should my makeup look like? I'd go heavy with the dark eye makeup. Your lips can be left with just a normal balm or gloss, I wouldn't colour them. Just focus on your eyes for sure.