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Should I feel like this after preforming Self Hypnosis?

I preformed self hypnosis and now I feel really calm and serene.I'm comfortable in every position and my face is blank as far as expressions.But I can't remember what I hypnotized myself for.All I remember is going down ten steps in a dark hall.From the fifth step down was flooded and every step lower than five brought the water higher.When I was completely underwater, I saw three boxes. I swan down and opened the middle one.There was a light inside and I touched it and it disappeared.I went back up the steps and opened a door.Light flooded the room from the door and I opened my eyes.Thats it.


Unfortunately this is one of the down sides of Self Hypnosis. It can be very difficult to get the auto-suggestions in there. It's just too easy to drift off into a wonderful relaxed hypnotic state. It may be worth seeking out a good Hypnotist who can give the suggestions to you OR finding one a downloadable hypnosis Mp3
? For ages, meditation has been used as a powerful means of removing strain and improving the entire well-being of a person. You are able to consider hypnosis to be always a type of meditation to flake out your brain and body. In fact, the email address details are quite similar. Hypnosis attempts the profoundly peaceful and meditative state. Nevertheless, hypnosis proves to be much more beneficial. So, learn to hypnotize with this particular 100 % effective program.
Sounds about right to me. It's fairly common for people who undergo hypnosis to have partial amnesia. In fact, it's one of the indicators of having been hypnotized! There's a scale for hypnotic depth developed by a couple of hypnotists called the Ramey-Sichort scale, and it has partial amnesia coming up pretty early in the process. Also, it's hypnotic amnesia-- if you dug in really deep you could likely remember what happened. It's not like getting whacked in the head.
Did you use self-hypnosis in order to relax? If so, it worked.
Dude, trippy. Give me some of that **** your smoking.

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