I'm a Safety (defensive back) for my high school freshman team. Do you think i should wear gloves when I play? If so could you reccomend me the type i should get? I have heard The Cutter C Track the Jammer is the best for safties as it is for defensive backs. Please tell me which ones and why (explain it). I really appreciate it. Thanks a ton. 10 pts.
It could be your water valve in the shower, but I suspect it's the shower Pan or drain. Check the drain first, run the shower and go below and look around the drain where it meets the shower floor. If it's not the drain then you'll have to remove the shower pan (floor) and redo it.
You can still file a lawsuit. As for the interview, just explain to them what happened. If you didn't really do it, just let them know. Don't tell them you're going to file a suit on the company that fired you though, they may be too scared to hire you.
if your future employer will even ask, just address that they admitted there were no grounds for termination.
Tell them that you were fired due to misinformation, which the company has acknowledged was incorrect. No need to get into details. If they ask why you're not going back, just say that you felt it was better for your career to pursue opportunities at other companies at this time.