should the press be able to 'invade the privacy' of individuals?
of course it shouldn't !! when you say the press you refer to a number of media companys who operate under strict regulations and corporations law. These laws have been thousands of years in the making since the founding days of democracy. ALL companys are bound to operate under these laws. They are there for a reason. Why should media companys, who are out to make a profit just like all other companys, have superior rights and priveliges to others ? legally they are an entity which has the same rights to both benefit and punishment as an individual. that is to earn a profit from work done to pay taxes and to not harm others in the process. as it stands today, the media and parts of the political/social elite have far too much privelige. to then allow the press to illegally wire tap conversation for example just makes no sense. why would you want a society that allows its highly untrustworthy media agents to do this activity ? especially since it breaks numerous privacy laws that we're ALL bound to !! In any case, if they ever get away with it, then it opens up the posibility that everyone will register a small business and operate as a media outlet, like a blogger, then use this position to set wire taps on rich peoples houses and set up camera in their bedrooms, and then use this media privelidge to get away with it. i mean i am sure murdoch gets his walls painted or fixes his toilet from time to time.. i'm sure it would produce some highly interesting and profitable material for a media business. so the traffic can easily flow both ways if the laws let the big moguls get away with this any longer.
NO,NO,NO! The press is not the FBI/CIA. They are journalists looking for a good story. Privacy is sacred to the American people. I am disgusted by these tabloids and the tawdry exploitation of the Hollywood elite. I don't even care if it is true or not. It is such a disgusting invasion of one's personal world. Yes, the press has the right and responsibility to report the truth but how low do you have to go?
Ever since the Internet Era started, that's all they seem to do. Trying to improve their ratings and circulation with an ever-abundant stream of stories and people using their cell phone cameras to invent news stories.