the green light is lit on my smoke detector. does this means it is on? a few weeks ago it went off while i was cooking, and i was twisting it and fanning around it trying to shut it off. just making sure it never actually turned off. i live in an apartment.
It could be infected, see a doctor.
No, there's nothing to worry about. You just have a bruise. First they are blue or black, then they turn a yellow or green, an then it gets better.
All the wasted time I could have been learning something, can you imagine what it'd be like if he never had to sleep but instead stay indoors and spend the night hours just learning and working on indoor stuff?
Not necessarily. The inflammation process, which is triggered when you have any cut that then tries to heal, has similar symptoms to infection. Swelling, a warm feeling and some pain. The signs of infection are swelling that doesn't improve, redness that worsens with time, a hot feeling in the cut and tenderness. Also, there will be lots of pus and it will have a terrible odor. I've never met a bacterial infection that ever smelled like roses. They have the worst odor on the planet. Wait a few days and watch to see if it worsens. But clean the cut gently with soap and water and put a bandaid around it for a day. If you have it use antibacterial cream. Something like Neosporin.