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smoke detectors and Americium 241 help?

I have an assignment on isotopes so I chose ^241 Am, and I don't understand how Am works in a smoke detector. And also what are some of the risk's if you don't dispose of the smoke detector properly? All help is thanked soo much :)


most viper systems have a valet or disable switch. If you have the key you should be fine. This alarm switch should be a very small silver switch or a red push button. It will normally be located somewhere out of site underneath the steering column, maybe even around where your feet go, occasionally they get mounted near the fuse block or in the ashtray. First find this switch. Then if it is a flip switch- flip it opposite whatever way you find it. Then turn the ignition ON and OFF wait 5 seconds and ON and OFF again. It should start normally. If you have a red or black pushbutton then push and hold it while you turn the ignition ON and OFF then let go of the button and your car should start normally.(you may have to do this procedure more than once) I have a few more techniques if this doesn't work, you can email me direct if so.
same here i guess the sound for the ipod touch isnt really loud like alarm clocks

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