ive got a 2dr Honda Civic and plan to get a new bodykit for it, on the picture, the front and back bumper look a bit low, and on the way to College theres speed bumps no matter which way i go, how would i get over the speed bumps clearly so it doesnt catch my front bumper or back. Or even if it takes my bumpers off.
Smoke detectors almost always go off for a reason, like smoke and fire. They also detect SMOLDERING FIRES, which is why if I were you I would be VERY careful. Call maintenance now so they can check.
two liter bottle poke a hole near the bottom and stick a pen blank (gutted pen) in it tape it if it won't stay shape a bowl out of aluminum foil and stick it in the pen (make sure there's a hole in it) fill the bottle with water until it reaches where the other side of the pen is load up your weed and smoke up