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speed bumps? laws? apartment? please help!?

ive lived in this apartment complex for a bout a year now, about 4 months ago a new management took over and started imposing all kinds of new rules closing the pool, only three people in the gym at one time.. no parking in front of your garage ect ect.. needless to say theyre not very popular with the tenants. but yesterday they put in speed bumps that are as high or higher than the curb and only maybe a foot wide! i bottomed out my fiances 09 civic stock hight!! where do we as the tenants stand from a legal standpoint if they refuse to alter the speed bumps.. i live in nv by the way!


Wear gloves and safety goggles. Put a few grams of cooked pasta into a small test tube and carefully add some antipasta with long tongs. It's a fascinating experament!
If the face shield is from a current model, you should be fine buying from an online store or from the manufacturer. If not time for another one. Good luck.
reading glasses safety glasses when required motorcycle helmet w/ face shield You??

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