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student press and regular press?

Should the student press be afforded the same rights as the regular press?


Well, that depends. Ryan was partially right. In some schools the administration holds control of what goes into a paper, so it's not really free... Still, in the real world, the PUBLISHER has the final say (and he could be the owner or speaking for the owner) so even there the reporters and editors are not the final authority. However, I think what you are really saying is that you had some sort of problem along the lines of the regular press got to go in somewhere where you (as a high school or college reporter) were not allowed. I always felt the press was the press and should have free reign and access to all information and the ability to go where ever the news was. In other words, a reporter was a reporter, no matter WHAT paper or electronic media he was with. That being said, we frequently were blocked from crime scenes, sometimes from industrial accidents on private property and elected officials were ALWAYS trying to keep us from finding out things that they didn't want the public to know about. Frankly, the press' Rights are what they manage to snag or force to be allowed. Good question though, you just haven't given us all the information.
I was a Mass Comm major, and worked on Student Radio and all that jazz. To your question.....ummmm. no Freedom of the Press Lies with the person who owns the press. Example that college. As a student press you are subject to school ruling and what they feel is appropriate. So if I want to start a paper and say something bad, i would start my own paper , so I could do this. This is what I have been taught, not that I completely believe it.

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