what is less dangerous between sun tanning or tanning bed and why ??
Sun tanning, tanning beds can cause cancer and skin disease. You can also try spray tanning, that isnt bad for your skin [:
Sun tanning, tanning beds are cancer beds You'll be dead within 20 years if you use them. Good old mother nature and plenty of spf 15 or higher will keep you golden and sexy for years to come.
Tanning beds are very dangerous, so a natural sun tan would be best - but you still need to be careful. Have you thought about fake tan?
DEFINITELY SUN TANNING!!! In fact, sun tanning is good for you. You're supposed to get 15 minutes out in the sun each day. It's good for your body too. A tanning bed is unnatural and it gives you wrinkles when you get older it's not good for you and it could give you cancer. But sun tanning WAY too much can also give you cancer. But I mean WAY WAY too much. Even though sometimes it might be nice to get a perfect even tan from the tanning bed, it's not the best decision. Instead you can get a spray tan, that can wash off and stuff. But I also am against spray tanning. Not as much as I am against using a tanning bed. Be natural and do something good for your body. Hope I helped! ~ 3
two words. SUN TAN -lola3