Fishing for ideas hereI have no idea what to give my family for Christmas LOL.I want a sewing machine, fabric, yarn, and a new sheet/blanket set for my bed!:)
This Site Might Help YouRE: are cheerios cerials high in fiber?
A new car,house or anything that the family agreed ofMERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Yes, it is, BUT you have to read the list of ingredientsI just bought the Banana and nut Cherrios only to find that they are mostly CORNIf you are interested in fiber, read what is listed on the side of the box to make sure that you are getting the oats that Cherrios is famous for.
Yes they are, at 3 grams per 28gTwo of those three grams are soloble fiberSoluble fiber is the part that your body actually processes.not the insoluble that the water flushes outPer 100 grams cereal, they have 10.5g of fiberThey're very low in sugar (1g/serving) and have multiple usesWhen you pulverize them into powder, you have a great add-on forIf you ever bake oatmeal raisin cookies, this oat flour,used in 1/3 of the all-purpose flour recipe, makes your cookies chewier.