Please help you one by one, and we are riding, the start of a file start, the future is not in order to 2.3.4. This upshift, or can jump file. How to turn when turning. Such as slowdown plus brakes turn the corner will turn it? Thank you guys, help a bunch of help.
Do not be familiar with the first brake, the car big turn off. Re-point up on it. If the speed is too fast, then the clutch may let him mention the speed of fierce, more dangerous.
Open the motorcycle encounter pedestrians to see if it is not an emergency, if not, you can first grasp the clutch after the brake, so, can be the first brake at the same time minus oil, and then catch the clutch.
The car deceleration to the first throttle, and then brakes, and finally pinch clutch, this is the use of the engine speed to help the speed down, the engine inside the gear did not much impact. In fact, the purpose of doing so is to prevent high-speed emergency braking, if the sudden clutch of such a car to increase the inertia of large increase in braking difficulty.
See the speed, low speed and speed can be controlled before you can step on the brake after the clutch, if it is high-speed direct brakes, and then reduce the speed, according to the need to pinch clutch shift, emergency braking, then the brakes, if there is time control Clutch, then pinch the clutch.