I was attempting to replace my linoleum floor, I discovered a black tar adhesive under the old Linoleum, When I tried to pull the old Linoleum up, The floor started to splinter!, There seems to be a top thin layer of wood over the sub-flooring?, This is coming up with the Linoleum, Should I just leave the old Linoleum like it is and put the new linoleum over it?, Or should I go thru hell and high water and replace the entire floor???
Rip it all up! better to start fresh. Flooring installers say Better to start with a fresh floor rather than putting **** on top of ****! Sorry for the swear but that's the saying! In other words if the floor is bad where you would be putting a new one, the new one you put down will be bad too! Besides, your making the floor higher. Then when the next person that wants to change the floor has double the work! And so-on and so-on!
You'll get a better result if you remove as much of the underlayment you can. Whatever floor you decide to put on, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions to put the new one on.
I would tear it up if you put a new flooring over the splintered wood, it may not last, A new floor is only as good as what it is laid over Put down 1/4 inch hardie backer, follow instructions for installing hardie then install your new floor. There are other sub floor products besides hardie.